This is a four-part series. You can find the parts here:

Welcome back. In our last episode, we got within spitting distance of “real” transducers. We saw how transducers are middleware wrapped around a reducing function. And we actually wrote some basic transducers.

In this episode, we’ll pull together some of the last bits and have you writing real transducers that will work with Clojure’s standard transduction functions (e.g., transduce). We’ll cover the multiple arities that reducing functions need to have. We’ll even write a “stateful transducer” and learn why that’s an inaccurate name. Strap in; we have a lot to get to and this is going to move fast.

If you were paying attention during the last episode, you might have noticed that our cc-xd function looks a lot like Clojure’s standard transduce function.

user> (defn cc-xd [xf rf init coll]
        (reduce (xf rf) init coll))
user> (doc transduce)
([xform f coll] [xform f init coll])
  reduce with a transformation of f (xf). If init is not
  supplied, (f) will be called to produce it. f should be a reducing
  step function that accepts both 1 and 2 arguments, if it accepts
  only 2 you can add the arity-1 with 'completing'. Returns the result
  of applying (the transformed) xf to init and the first item in coll,
  then applying xf to that result and the 2nd item, etc. If coll
  contains no items, returns init and f is not called. Note that
  certain transforms may inject or skip items.

Both functions take the same arguments in the same order. There is some difference in terminology, however. First, I use the term xf where the doc-string uses xform. The doc-string names the result of applying xform to rf as xf. Personally, I think the doc-string is confusing and different official Clojure documentation about transducers and different blogs use different argument names in different spots. I think this overall inconsistency, coupled with the functions-returning-anonymous-functions-that-return-anonymous-functions nature of the problem, is part of the reason that folks have been so confused about transducers.

So, I’ve tried to be consistent throughout this blog series:

  • A reducing function is always named rf.
  • A transducer is always named xf.
  • Since transducers compose with comp, a stack of transducers is also a transducer and is named xf.
  • The result of applying a transducer to a reducing function is another reducing function, so the result is named rf (if it’s actually given a name at all).
  • The names of the arguments to a reducing function are names state and input.
  • When we compose individual transducers together, I have called that a “transducer stack” to distinguish it from a single, atomic transducer.
  • The “reduction context” is the logic that is calling the reducing function to perform the processing. Example contexts are transduce, reduce, or even core.async channels.

Now, back to cc-xd and transduce. The main difference between the two is that our version always takes four arguments while the standard version of transduce has a three argument version. The doc-string says that if the initial value of the collection is not supplied, then the reducing function of zero arity is called to produce it. In other words, it invokes (rf) (without any transducers wrapped around it) to create the initial value. You can see that a function like conj produces an initial value if you call it with no arguments. So does + or *.

user> (conj)
user> (+)
user> (*)

These are all good reducing functions for use with transduce as they return an “identity value” of some sort.

Note that previously we said that a reducing function is one that takes two arguments, a state and an input, and returns a new state. That’s still true, but now we need to expand our definition. A proper reducing function that works with transducers includes two arities. The arity-0 version returns an identity value appropriate for use as the initial value of a reduction and the arity-2 version performs a reduction step.

It’s important to note that transduce and reduce have different behavior in the case where they don’t have an initial value. reduce uses the first value of the collection and starts processing at the second value. This allows you to use functions like min or max as a reducing value. But these functions won’t work without an initial value if you try to use them with transduce. You can use first and rest to pick off the first value if need to.

user> (max)
Execution error (ArityException) at user/eval8583 (form-init7109873409143739450.clj:535).
Wrong number of args (0) passed to: clojure.core/max
user> (transduce identity min [1 2 3])
Execution error (ArityException) at user/eval8585 (form-init7109873409143739450.clj:538).
Wrong number of args (0) passed to: clojure.core/min
user> (reduce min [1 2 3])
user> (let [coll [1 2 3]]
        (transduce identity min (first coll) (rest coll)))

Here, for simplicity, I’m just using identity as the transducer, which just returns the reducing function, unchanged.

We can modify our cc-xd function to have the same arities and behavior as the standard transduce function.

user> (defn cc-xd-2
        ([xf rf coll]
         (cc-xd xf rf (rf) coll))
        ([xf rf init coll]
         (reduce (xf rf) init coll)))

When you consider transduce’s arguments, one question that comes up is why xf and rf are separate arguments? Why can’t we just apply xf to rf ahead of time and pass one argument to transduce? That would make the function signature basically the same as reduce. In fact, under limited circumstances, we can do exactly this, and even pass wrapped reducing functions to reduce itself.

user> (def filter-odd-times-five-xf (comp (filter odd?)
                                          (map (partial * 5))))
user> (def rf (filter-odd-times-five-xf conj)
user> (reduce rf [] (range 10))
[5 15 25 35 45]

So, why do it any other way? Wouldn’t it be faster and more efficient to apply the transducer to the reducing function once and then reuse it possibly multiple times? Yes, it would be marginally faster, but only by a hair; the dominant portion of any transduction is spent actually processing the elements.

The reason we do it this way is because the reducing function created by a transducer is allowed to be stateful. Such a transducer is often called a “stateful transducer” when you read Clojure documentation about transducers, but as Christophe Grand pointed out several years ago, this is not quite accurate. The transducers themselves are stateless (remember, a transducer simply takes a reducing function and returns another, wrapped reducing function), but the new reducing function returned by the transducer may keep state during the reduction process. This state is initialized when the transducer creates the new reducing function. So, it’s better if we create our transducer stack separately, a stateless operation, and then apply that to our reducing function right before we perform the reduction. If we don’t do this, then the next time we reduce/transduce with this reducing function, we’ll end up with stale state and things won’t work as expected. The example above worked because the reducing functions are stateless.

Further, some tranduction contexts choose their own reducing function and so we’d like to be able to pass around our transducer stack before it’s applied to a reducing function. For instance, into can take a transducer stack and uses Clojure’s optimized transient data structure processing to improve performance. It does not take a separate reducing function but chooses one based on the output data type.

user> (into #{} filter-odd-times-five-xf (range 10))
#{15 25 35 5 45}

Examples of standard transducers that create stateful reducing functions include drop, keep-indexed, partition-all, partition-by, take, and take-nth. All of these require the created reducing function to keep track of a count of items seen or an index of some sort. The doc-strings for transducer creating functions will specify whether they are stateful or not.

Let’s try our hand at writing a transducer that creates a stateful reducing function. As an exercise, we’ll re-write partition-all. This will demonstrate how a reducing function should store state and how to handle various special cases during the reduction process.

Here’s a first attempt. Remember that partition-all groups the processed collection into partitions of n items. At the end of the process, whatever items remain are emitted as their own short partition.

(defn cc-partition-all-1 [n]
  (fn [rf]
    (let [p (volatile! [])]             ; reducing function state
      (fn [state input]
        (let [p' (vswap! p conj input)]
          (if (= n (count p'))
            (do (vreset! p [])
                (rf state p'))

You can see the same basic transducer structure that we’ve seen before, but here we’ve wrapped a let form containing a binding for a volatile around the returned reducing function. This is what holds our state.

The processing is pretty simple. Every time the reducing function is called, it adds the input item to the saved state, p, using vswap!, which returns the new value. We capture this in p'. Then if the number of items in p' is equal to the partition size, we reset p back to an empty vector and call the downstream reducing function with the partition. If the count of elements in the growing partition is not equal to n, we just return the state, unchanged.

That’s an important new point about transducers: the new reducing function can control whether it calls the downstream reducing function or not.

Let’s see how it works.

user> (cc-xd-2 (cc-partition-all-1 3) conj [] (range 10))
[[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8]]

Hmmm. Well, that mostly worked. We got partitions of size three. But we didn’t get 10 items in the result like we should have. What’s going on?

The problem here is that when the reduction process is finished, our cc-partition-all-1 is still holding onto an item in its state. It has no way of knowing that the reduction is complete. We need a way to signal it and say “Hey, we’re done here, so perform any clean-up work you need to.” Transducers do this by adding yet another arity to the reducing function: an arity-1 version.

(defn cc-partition-all-2 [n]
  (fn [rf]
    (let [p (volatile! [])]             ; reducing function state
        ([state]                        ; arity-1
         (if (> (count @p) 0)
           (rf (rf state @p))
           (rf state)))
        ([state input]                  ; arity-2
         (let [p' (vswap! p conj input)]
           (if (= n (count p'))
             (do (vreset! p [])
                 (rf state p'))

The arity-1 function includes the logic to clean up. We simply take the partition that is in process of being formed and if there are any elements remaining in it, we pass those to the arity-2 downstream reducing function. This adds the final partition to the output. Then we call the arity-1 version of the downstream reducing function on the new state that we just returned from the arity-2 version. This signals the downstream reducing function that it should perform any cleanup in the case that it’s stateful as well. If there are no items in the partition, then we simply pass along the state to the downstream arity-1 version. If you have a reducing function that doesn’t support arity-1, you can easily create a new version that does by passing it to completing. The created arity-1 function will simply be identity.

Now, we also need a new version of our transduction function, cc-xd-3.

(defn cc-xd-3
  ([xf rf coll]
   (cc-xd-3 xf rf (rf) coll))
  ([xf rf init coll]
   (let [rf' (xf rf)]
     (rf' (reduce rf' init coll)))))

Now things work as expected.

user> (cc-xd-3 (cc-partition-all-2 3) conj [] (range 10))
[[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8] [9]]

So, now we know that a proper reducing function for use with transducers has arity-0, arity-1, and arity-2 versions.

user> (conj)
user> (conj [1])
user> (conj [1] 2)
[1 2]
user> (+)
user> (+ 1)
user> (+ 1 2)
user> (*)
user> (* 1)
user> (* 1 2)

While transduce doesn’t strictly need it, we should also add an arity-0 function to our partition-all reimplementation: cc-partition-all-3. In this case, the arity-0 function simply delegates to the downstream reducing function. That’s going to be pretty standard behavior; it’s rare that a transducer needs to manipulate the initial value.

(defn cc-partition-all-3 [n]
  (fn [rf]
    (let [p (volatile! [])]
        ([]                             ; arity-0
        ([state]                        ; arity-1
         (if (> (count @p) 0)
           (rf (rf state @p))
           (rf state)))
        ([state input]                  ; arity-2
         (let [p' (vswap! p conj input)]
           (if (= n (count p'))
             (do (vreset! p [])
                 (rf state p'))

Now, we can use our cc-partition-all-3 with Clojure’s standard transduction functions.

user> (transduce (cc-partition-all-3 3) conj [] (range 10))
[[0 1 2] [3 4 5] [6 7 8] [9]]

Boom. Nailed it. We have a legitimate transducer.

Okay, that’s all for now. Next time, we’ll take a look at how to abort a reduction or transduction right in the middle.